Friday, November 16, 2018

Arista VXLAN with CVX on EVE-NG using vEOS

Run Arista vEOS on EVE-NG

In this blog, I shall show you how to run vEOS from Arista on EVE-NG

Step 1: Install EVE-NG

If you are new to EVE-NG, the install guide and YouTube Video Links are on EVE-NG’s website for windows
If you wish to install EVE-NG on Ubuntu Host, the instructions are here
I have in my lab installed EVE-NG as an OVA onto VMware ESXi.

Step 2: Add Arista vEOS images to EVE-NG

The next step is to add vEOS Arista images to EVE-NG
(a)  First download the vEOS Arista images from
To get the vEOS from Arista, a free login needs to be created on using professional email id (Sorry Yahoo/Gmail/etc not allowed)

     (b) Upload the images to EVE-NG as per instructions here

Step 3: Create a Leaf and Spine topology

Pls download the Topology export file and import it in your EVE-NG

Step 4: Configure the fabric

With gracious assistance and loyalties to Kevin Corbin
The configs are here