Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Realty Check, Two Weeks into Preparation

Its time for a quick realty check. Its been over two weeks since I started preparing for the LAB.

Honestly, as per my original strategy, I was supposed to devote 3 hours per day until end of May08. However If I look back at the past 2 weeks, I don't really think I have been able to do that.

Is procrastination catching up on me ?

I am looking for excuses here. I know, I am not able to gain momentum. But I want to be able to give myself 2 more weeks from today before I panic.
At the moment I am taking it easy. Yes I am running LATE. I hope to cover up on lost hours. I don't know how though !

I still cant seem to get over my need to sleep for 8 hours or more. I tried a couple of times to get up early and sit back late. But its sapping my energy out the next day. I look Jaded and can't concentrate. I fell sick and had acidity and indigestion issues.

I still cant seem to gather the necessary concentration to be able to sit for hours reading/viewing Technical Content. The mind starts to wander off in 25-30mins and the lapses are concerning to say the least.

Do I need the whip to keep myself on track ?
I reacll back in schooling/engineering days, I was not like this. If I can only find the difference in such a large change in attitude it will help.

All I need is the concentration and commitment. I have the ability.

As far as reading the CoD goes, I am still at Day 2 and this part of the CoD is the easiest. I wonder what will happen when i reach the difficult sections , BGP/Multicast/IOS Security/..........

Its frustrating to let my own self down. But life (procrastination) has made me learn to get comfortable with it and forget. I dont want to procrastinate.

I want to wake UP.
The time is NOW !


dharmbhai said...

(via email from Aniket)

To get to the moon, those astronauts had to overcome tremendous gravity pull of the earth. More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off than was used over the next several days to travel million miles.

(via email from Aniket)

dharmbhai said...

(Via email from Anand)

Don't worry at all. In fact try this- weekdays only 30 minutes. Weekends 8-10 hours. This is what I did...and most of my peers did too. Acidity can b and should b avoided - just have a daily 8 hours of sleep. Try some eno too. Switching-wan-framerelay-rip-eigrp-ospf-bgp. Follow this sequence. Just focus on one topic at a time.
Also if you are getting stuck @ one topic....screw it... move on. You can revisit it once you are more relaxed and confident.

Just to summarize it -30 Minute on weekday, 8hrs on weekends & only easy topic in beginning

(Via email from Anand)