Sunday, February 08, 2015

Aksha Beach Calling

Finally after almost a year and a half , I will be visiting Aksha Beach The reasons are, Well inhibitors best not made public ;-) unless I want to get slaughtered ;-) So lets see what evening lies ahead for us. This time around I have excited adequate people from my daughter's school to participate. So we are over 10 adults and 15+ kids meeting up. Everyone is getting something or the other, so its a small snack treat too. I always found beach to bring in the calm and serenity that we all miss when away sucked up in hectic work No matter of how much you unwind over the weekends, a trip to the beach is a stress buster Building Sand Castles, Getting feet wet, counting waves, watching the sun go behind the horizon... Well some things are free, yet so good. A visit to the beach has to top my list. Updates: 08/02/2015 We were 8 couples and their kids. We all had a great time there. We built sand castles, lots of them, Got our feet wet in the waves, had tons to snack. All around it was great fun. Now looking forward to organising another trip to the beach, either in group or solo.

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